Wednesday, February 8, 2012

ITS Georgia President's Message from Georgia Engineer Magazine

Scott Mohler
ITS Georgia President
It is an honor and privilege to have been elected president of the Intelligent Transportation Society of Georgia (ITS Georgia) and to represent this great chapter and its important work.  Over the next two years, I plan on sharing with you the many accomplishments of the chapter and our member organizations.

ITS Georgia is fortunate to have had quality leadership since its inception from the late Wayne Shackelford as founding chairman to my immediate predecessor, Marion Waters. Marion has been a model President for the past two years, and I want to extend an enormous thank you for all of his hard work and dedication to the betterment of ITS Georgia.  His leadership in ITS Georgia and in the ITS industry are invaluable, and I’m thankful that Marion will remain a member of the Board during my presidency.

I also want to thank outgoing board members Marwan Abboud and Ron Boodhoo, and the new and returning officers and directors who are listed below.

2012 and Beyond –

Over the next two years we plan on turning our mission and goals into facts and accomplishments.

Our Mission: Promote and educate people about ITS and encourage incorporation of ITS into transportation projects.

Our Goals:

  1.  Provide forums to share and coordinate ITS Georgia member missions and experiences
  2.  Educate our members on national directions and technologies
  3.  Develop a broader ITS constituency
  4. Educate policy makers on benefits of continued operations and maintenance and how ITS can help

We did a great job in 2011 on Goals 1 and 2 and an okay job on Goal 3. In 2012, we will continue to provide our members with forums to network and learn about new technologies and lessons learned from our colleagues from around the state and the nation.  We also plan on reaching out to new member organizations and to increase participation from existing members, especially younger associates and students.

Goal 4 has been a challenge and we need to do more to get decision makers to understand the benefits of ITS solutions and the value they bring to state and local transportation infrastructure. To reach Goal 4, we are teaming with the Georgia Section Institute of Transportation Engineers and the TIME Task Force in a cross-organizational Public Officials Education Committee which I will chair.  We plan on conducting a training class on the benefits of ITS with county officials in April at the Association County Commissioners of Georgia Annual Meeting.  GDOT’s Todd Long has agreed to be the instructor for this class.  We think that is a good start.  Next are city and state decision makers.

On an organizational level, we plan on increasing chapter revenue so we can continue to fund scholarships and provide our membership with access to the latest in ITS technology and forums for networking and professional growth.  We also plan on expanding our membership outside the reach of our typical members to include the growing number of automotive and high tech companies in Georgia that provide traveler and fleet information.

In addition to providing scholarships to students studying ITS, we plan on increasing their involvement in chapter activities to facilitate networking and learn more about potential employers in the area to keep and attract talent to Georgia.

As always, our monthly and annual meetings will be packed with outstanding speakers and topics in 2012. We’ll learn about everything from how ITS solutions help move millions of tons of cargo in and out of Georgia’s ports to creative funding opportunities, how well our products and services stack up and what the future holds from our excellent research institutions.

Please visit our web site ( for information about our monthly meetings for 2012. 

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